Círculo con Texto

Victòria Morales is a young graphic designer based in Barcelona. Over time she has learned, and has come to the conclusion, that design is a tool to transfer and disseminate knowledge about issues that are not relevant and thus try to transform society. Her job is to explore and find information invisible to the naked eye, trusting that design will respond. Although she doesn't know what the future holds for her, when she finishes her degree in graphic design, she would like to continue studying other fields: film and history. This aspiration stems from a deep desire to have a deeper understanding of the world around us.


(2022, Sept- Currently)
Designer at Ingrid Picanyol Studio

(2022, Feb-May)
Designer at Ana Mirats Studio

(Summer of 2021)
Collaboration with Rosa Lázaro Studio
BAU, School of Design
University Degree in Design 

Escola Massana
Higher Degree in Printed Graphics
(Honorable mention for academic excellence)

Escola Massana
Artistic bachelor's degree

(2023)Talk about processes and searches. LCI Barcelona

(2023) Debate at Latent Fest
With Lluc Massaguer and Xavier Roca

(2023) ADG-FAD Laus
Student Jury

(2022) El libro de las criaturas fantásticas, ADG FAD

(2022) ADG-FAD Laus
Young Talent 2022

Mention in Graffica 27
Quién es quién

(2021) Campus Blanc!
Presentation of TFC 2021

ADG – Laus Estudiants
Lafact Cultural, Terrassa

Museu del Disseny de Barcelona

Verges Festival 23

El millor disseny de l’any
Museu del Disseny de Barcelona 

Centrifugacions V 
Escola Massana